DreadRock - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
DreadRock is a web interface to manage an audio-medias database.
You can define some artists (origin, pics, infos ...) then add some of their records in your database.
Written in PHP4, it uses XML/XSLT to display informations an PostgreSQL database to store its datas.
Main features are, or will be:
- Restricted back-office
- Ability to edit CSS via the web (maybe front-office XSLT also)
- Search engine
- PDF export
- Multi-langual support (front/back)
Registration Date: Tue 28 Jan 2003 01:40:19 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha
posted by terraces, Wed 12 May 2004 09:08:05 PM UTC
The source code of DreadRock has been imported under Savannah CVS, and development is now active.

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