eev - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Eev adds support for "e-scripts" to Emacs. E-scripts are files of "executable notes" on how to do certain computer tasks.
A typical e-script is a plain text file containg bits of text and chunks of code intended to be interpreted by several different programs. There's no way to execute a whole e-script file at once; instead, the user interactively selects parts of the e-script while he or she is editing it in Emacs - these parts can be the current line, or Emacs's "region", or everything before and after the cursor until certain delimiters strings are found, etc -, and then asks Emacs to either execute those parts as Lisp code, or to save them into a temporary script file (to run those parts in a shell or a shell-like program later), or to send them immediately as input to some external program, or to process them in another way.
Elisp one-liners can appear almost anywhere in an e-script - even inside chunks of code for almost any language, embedded in comments - and can be used as hyperlinks. For example:
# (find-node "(make)Automatic" "$^")
executing this sexp will open a page of the GNU Make manual and place the cursor after the first occurrence of the string "$^".
The project has not been moved to savannah yet. Please take a look at its current home page, <>.
Registration Date: Sun 02 Jan 2005 07:17:56 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta

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