mainFavele Word Prediction Library/Software - Summary

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Id: 3285
System Name: favele
Name: Favele Word Prediction Library/Software
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Favele is a word prediction software focused on aid disabled people.

Favele is a library handling a dictionary of prefixes and word, with lexical cathegorization an weight, and some rude grammar handling code.
Favele have also a GTK 1.2 bindings, called gfavele, and some utility program.

Favele is my degree thesis, was wrote 2 years ago and never touched ever since.
I'm a dumb programmer, this was my first and last C language serious program.

Favele came with dictionary only in Italian, near no documentation, so it is a desperate case. Please, help me! ;)

Registration Date: Fri 08 Nov 2002 09:17:57 AM UTC
License: GNU Lesser General Public License
Development Status: 0 - Undefined


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