mainFreeFEM3D - Summary

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8 active members

Group identification
Id: 3951
System Name: ff3d
Name: FreeFEM3D
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

FreeFEM3D (aka ff3d) is a 3D solver of partial differential
equations (PDE).  It is a member of the familly of the freefem
programs (see

ff3d, as well as its cousins, is a PDE solver driven by a
user-friendly language. It solves many kind of problems such as
elasticity, fluids (Stokes and Navier-Stokes) and a lot more. The
user has to enter the equation associated with the problem, giving
either the PDE in strong formulation or weak (variational)

ff3d can use either the Finite Elements method (the mesh of the
geometry being provided by the user) or a Fictitious Domain like
approach where the geometry is described using Constructive Solid
Geometry (CSG). This description is done using the POV-Ray language
but others such as VRML could be added.

The processing of the results is left to the user.  One can use
various graphic tools: output in the MEdit mesh format or VTK are
supported. The implementation of a VTK base visualization module is

The goal of ff3d is to provide a good teaching tool and a research
toolbox (the code is written in C++ and its design is such that new
methods can be easily implemented).

Registration Date: Thu 13 Feb 2003 07:14:32 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta


Latest News rss feed
Version 1.0-pre10
     posted by delpinux, Sat 07 Jul 2007 04:04:25 PM UTC

Many improvements in this release. See changelog and NEWS.

version 1.0pre8 released
     posted by delpinux, Sun 12 Feb 2006 04:45:29 PM UTC

One year after pre7, pre8 is out. This is still a development release. See NEWS and ChangeLog files for details of changes.

1.0pre7 released
     posted by delpinux, Sun 20 Feb 2005 11:57:28 PM UTC

ff3d's 1.0pre7 was released today.
This is still a development release.
See NEWS and ChangeLog files for details of changes.

FreeFEM3D in Debian!
     posted by delpinux, Fri 23 Jan 2004 10:08:54 AM UTC

Thanks to the efforts of Christophe Prud'homme, FreeFEM3D is now packaged in Debian unstable. If you run this distribution you can now apt-get it ;-)

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