mainFrozen Bubble Peer-to-Peer - Summary

Membership Info
Group Admins:
3 active members

Group identification
Id: 4321
System Name: frozenb-ptp
Name: Frozen Bubble Peer-to-Peer
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

A Frozen Bubble fork to add 2 player peer to peer network support (hoping that will be merged back with the original project when completed)

Registration Date: Wed 16 Apr 2003 10:22:35 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta


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Gentoo ebuilds
     posted by axa1981, Thu 30 Oct 2003 11:29:41 PM UTC

Gentoo ebuilds that grab source from cvs are now avalaible. Get them from the downloads section. changes its approach
     posted by iag0, Tue 24 Jun 2003 05:58:48 PM UTC

Now it works with so called UNIX sockets despite the old version that communicates over a file with frozen-bubble. Some work is needed to adapt frozen-bubble. Soon also the code for the new will reach the CVS.
UNIX is a registered trademark.

Finally, a match! [ENTHUSIASTIC]
     posted by iag0, Tue 24 Jun 2003 05:52:27 PM UTC

Today we played the first match over the net. :-)
AXA is still working on the code, so the CVS isn't up to date. Be patient for a while. Soon the code will be ready!

Site update
     posted by axa1981, Tue 17 Jun 2003 11:00:11 AM UTC

Added news and screenshots sections.

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