Gacela - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Gacela is a GNU Guile extension for developing games quickly and reliably. Its name comes from GCL (GNU Common Lisp), which is the official implementation of Lisp for the GNU project (at the beginning, Gacela was a GCL extension). I don't want to say only that Gacela is based on GCL, but it is fully identified with the ideas of the GNU project. And, at the same time, I try to convey the idea that Gacela can be used to program games in a fast and intuitive way (Gacela is the spanish word for Gazelle).
Gacela works internally with SDL and OpenGL. Current version only allows graphical programming (without sound), but for now the memory management works quite well. With Gacela, programmers don't care to allocate and free memory; language will make allocations when it's necessary and will free memory when it's no longer needed.
Registration Date: Tue 14 Jun 2011 11:29:55 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha

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