GoldenPod - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
GoldenPod is a podcast client (or podcast aggregator, or podcatcher, feel free to pick any name you want) written in Perl. It supports reading configuration files in ~/.goldenpod/ and then saving the podcasts to the directory defined there (by default ~/Podcasts/). It also supports just getting thrown into a directory where BashPodder used to be and replacing it automagically, or having its config files in the same directory as itself and then just being run from a random location and detecting and performing a chdir correctly.
Registration Date: Sun 21 Aug 2005 12:51:16 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
posted by zero_dogg, Tue 14 Aug 2007 08:42:37 PM UTC
The project has been moved to GNA!.
posted by zero_dogg, Sat 29 Jul 2006 02:10:32 PM UTC
Hash: SHA1
GoldenPod security advisory GPSA-2006:1 29.07.2006
Affected versions: All versions prior to 0.6 (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5)
A vulnerability was discovered by braiden at braiden dot org in the way
posted by zero_dogg, Sat 26 Nov 2005 08:20:05 PM UTC
0.5, a month later than I was planning, is now available.
In addition to this goldenpod also has a webpage available now :)
posted by zero_dogg, Wed 05 Oct 2005 02:22:23 PM UTC
Version 0.4 of GoldenPod is now out. It includes, among other things, a new --rmold function that allows you to delete N old podcasts (N is, like --copy, 4 or the number supplied to --files).
Renamed --dry-run to --no-download, added a new --dry-run option.
Added a --stats option, displays simple information about the downloaded podcasts. For more information read the ChangeLog
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