maingeneral openMosix daemon - Summary


Group identification
Id: 3876
System Name: gomd
Name: general openMosix daemon
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

gomd is a daemon which executes commands and gets information from the nodes of an openMosix cluster. It has to run on every node in order to collect data, and it waits for commands to execute.

The important thing is that admin would send commands to all the nodes of the cluster easily and without having to log into each of them.

At the same time GUI applications like openMosixView or openMosixWebView will use it for monitoring and administering the cluster.

gomd returns every interesting value from the /proc interface by request from clients through the server's socket. gomd talks with mosctl in order to tune the cluster.

It is written in C/C++

Registration Date: Sun 02 Feb 2003 10:24:04 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


Latest News rss feed
     posted by rejected, Fri 13 Feb 2004 06:13:08 PM UTC

Hi all.

I'm honored to annouce the partecipation of the GOMD project at the Fosdem2004 (, the "Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting", taking place in the beautiful city of Brussels, Belgium on February 21 - 22 2004 [...]

gomd v0.1-beta1: released.!
     posted by rejected, Wed 01 Oct 2003 08:20:26 AM UTC

Finally we reached the first beta.
You can download the sources and some precompiled packets (RPMs, DEB) from the Download Area.
Thanks/congrats to the whole Gomd team!!!


Cluster-wide (un)installation for daemon and library (via new cw_tools)
     posted by rejected, Sat 23 Aug 2003 07:23:36 PM UTC

Hi all.

Now, via the new cw_tools, the daemon and the library can be cluster-wide installed and uninstalled.

The cw_tools (properly, they are simple shell scripts) extend some standard *nix programs from local context to cluster-wide context. [...]

First beta postponed to late September
     posted by rejected, Fri 22 Aug 2003 11:55:23 PM UTC

The first beta (scheduled for late August) is postponed to late September because we want to release something usable.

At this moment we've cleaned up the code and added new
client examples (including the new QT-based C++ example code provided by Matthias "openMosixview" Rechemburg). [...]

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