happydigger - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Happydigger is a program which you can be used for cataloging
archaeological finds. It is intended both for semi-professional
use and by amateurs (e.g. metal detectorists) who want to keep
track of their finds.
Data is stored into a database with extensive find and findspot
details. If images are available, they will be displayed together
with the find information. Additional tables can be created for
storing information.
The program is navigated by clicking buttons on a toolbar or
by using shortcut keys.
Happydigger is written in C and requires version 2 of GTK+ and
associated libraries, see http://www.gtk.org. Version 3 of the
sqlite database libraries are needed, see http://www.sqlite.org.
To compile from source you will need a suitable C compiler and
the development libraries and headers of the GTK+ and sqlite.
Registration Date: Wed 02 Nov 2005 09:28:17 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
posted by pa4tu, Sun 21 Oct 2007 04:45:59 PM UTC
This fixes compilation issues with the most recent version of gtk+,
which is 2.12.0. This version is needed to compile happydigger. Because of this only the source code is distributed. There are no
added features or other changes.
posted by pa4tu, Tue 01 May 2007 09:32:41 AM UTC
This release adds printing support. It is now possible to create webpages from the available records. There were several bugfixes. A windows binary is now distributed.
posted by pa4tu, Wed 18 Apr 2007 08:25:30 AM UTC
A user support mailing list for happydigger has been created, see:
posted by pa4tu, Fri 10 Feb 2006 09:17:04 AM UTC
On January 21, 2006 happydigger-2.1 has been released. It adds Tagalog and Swedish translations.

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