hipy - Summary
Group identification
Id: 5303
System Name: hipy
Name: hipy
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation
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This group is not part of the GNU Project.
HIPY is a webserver from first principles. Partly inspired by Servlet(TM) containers, partly inspired by Apache's mod_rewrite(TM) it's a server for dynamic languages doing dynamic content.
Registration Date: Fri 19 Sep 2003 09:57:29 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Communication Tools
Tech Support Manager (open items: 0, total: 0)
Mailing Lists (0 public mailing lists)
Development Tools
Bug Tracker (open items: 0, total: 0)
Task Manager (open items: 0, total: 0)
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Patch Manager (open items: 0, total: 0)
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