mainIntroductory Physics - Summary

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Id: 7290
System Name: introphysics
Name: Introductory Physics
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

The intent of this project is to provide a freely available, high quality, and contemporary physics textbook, which is suitable for non-calculus and calculus-based high school physics courses as well as introductory college level courses. The book will be written in LaTeX with charts and graphs written in Gnuplot when possible. All photographs and other images will be released under a license providing equal or greater freedom of usage as that of the license under which the entire project will be licensed. The output of this project will be in PDF and may include other formats as demand necessitates.

The content of this physics textbook will be consistent with other textbooks of the same scope including Newtonian physics, waves, light, thermodynamics, etc.. The source files and output will be written in American English, but may be translated into other languages as allowed by translation resources.

The project will initially be based upon the public domain book (published in 1906) "A First Course In Physics," which will be rewritten in LaTeX by the project's director. The resulting LaTeX rewrite will then be opened for others to modernize and expand. The number of others expected to regularly contribute to the project is approximately five. The people who are expected to contribute are physics teaches like myself and other physics professionals.

As of 2005.03.02 approximately 45% of "A First Course In Physics" has been transcribed into Latex.

Registration Date: Fri 04 Feb 2005 08:22:30 PM UTC
License: GNU Free Documentation License
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha


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End of Phase One
     posted by charlie763, Thu 10 Mar 2005 09:51:02 PM UTC

I've transcribed just over 50% of A First Course In Physics bring phase (transcription) to a conclusion. The latter half of the book covers information from a pre-electron perspective.

The project is now shifting to phase two: rewrite. This is the phase where the text is elaborated and improved upon. Certain portions will be removed while [...]

CVS Repository is Online
     posted by charlie763, Sat 05 Mar 2005 01:19:49 PM UTC

I am happy to announce that the CVS repository for Introductory Physics is now online and waiting for you to check it out. Enjoy!

Introductory Physics
     posted by charlie763, Thu 03 Mar 2005 09:06:48 PM UTC

I am proud to announce that beginning yesterday the Introductory Physics project will be hosted on Savannah.

The intent of this project is to provide a freely available, high quality, and contemporary physics textbook, which is suitable for non-calculus and calculus-based high school physics courses as well as introductory college level [...]

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