mainkepler - Summary

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Id: 10481
System Name: kepler
Name: kepler
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

kepler is a library of routines for astronomical calculations. The library is implemented in ANSI C and the optional pykepler package provides support for programs written in Python.

It features the following:

  • The entire VSOP87 theory for calculating the positions of the eight planets.
  • The entire ELP 2000-82B theory for calculating the position of the Moon.
  • An analytical theory for calculating Pluto's position for the period 1700AD-2100AD.
  • The ability to convert osculating orbital elements to heliocentric coordinates.
  • A parser for MPCORB, the MPC Orbit Database.
  • The latest IAU 2006 precession and IAU 2000A nutation models.
  • Routines for calculating sidereal time using the current IAU resolutions.
  • An implementation of the Ron/Vondrak theory of annual aberration.
  • Routines for Julian date calculations.
  • Routines for coordinate transformations, rotations and parallax corrections.

You can download the source archive using the "Download" link above. Alternatively, if you have git installed, run the following command from a shell prompt.

git clone git://

Registration Date: Tue 02 Mar 2010 09:45:00 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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kepler can now be used under Windows with MinGW
     posted by shivaiyer, Wed 05 Jun 2013 01:00:28 PM UTC

kepler is now supported under Microsoft Windows. Install MinGW for your flavor of Windows and then follow the instructions for Linux in the README file.

Python interface implemented
     posted by shivaiyer, Thu 29 Apr 2010 07:33:35 PM UTC

It is now possible to call the routines in kepler from Python. The implementation of this feature in the `pykepler' Python package uses the ctypes library available in Python since version 2.5.5.

Minor Planet Center orbital element export format now supported
     posted by shivaiyer, Mon 15 Mar 2010 08:12:25 PM UTC

kepler now has the ability to parse the orbital elements for minor planets and comets that are published as a series of text files by the Minor Planet Center.

The relevant functions can be found in mpc_file.c. kepler_test.c shows one way these functions may be used.

You can download the export files from

As always, let me know if you have any comments or questions.

Best wishes,


Version 1.0 of kepler is available for download
     posted by shivaiyer, Tue 09 Mar 2010 01:55:51 PM UTC

Version 1.0 of kepler, a library of C routines for astronomical calculations, is now available for download. You can download the source archive using the "Download" link above.

Alternatively, you can use git to checkout the source files using the following command from a Terminal window: [...]

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