libbubblemon - Summary
Group identification
Id: 5372
System Name: libbubblemon
Name: libbubblemon
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation
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This group is not part of the GNU Project.
This is a library for making bubbling meters like the one found at "".
The library accepts numbers as input for the different visualizations (water-level, color, amount of bubbles, amount of growth from the bottom, whether something is floating in the water).
It can then render a picture of it that you are responsible for passing to the screen (or whatever you want to do with it). As long as you render an image at least 10 times per second, the animation will be smooth.
Registration Date: Thu 02 Oct 2003 08:49:59 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta
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