libRUIN - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
libRUIN (Renderer for User Interfaces in Ncurses) is a rendering library for various XML-based user interface markup languages (such as Mozilla XUL), using the Ncurses ( terminal control library as a rendering target. GNU Guile ( and the SDOM ( Scheme module are used as the "glue" that manages user input and event handling. An application programmer passes an XML document (including, potentially, a set of CSS stylesheets) and an Ncurses WINDOW structure, and libRUIN paints the WINDOW according to the markup and CSS; the programmer may subsequently pass Ncurses-style input strings to that WINDOW via libRUIN, and libRUIN will handle the resulting event flows.
Registration Date: Wed 20 Apr 2005 02:15:21 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha
posted by juliang, Tue 20 Sep 2011 03:55:03 AM UTC
This release features major improvements in performance and accuracy: The layout model has been rewritten to be independent from document structure, which brings libRUIN's layout and rendering pipeline into tighter compliance with the W3C CSS recommendation and allows for much greater flexibility when positioning boxes and flowing text. [...]
posted by juliang, Sat 10 Mar 2007 04:57:50 AM UTC
We've got automatic table layout working, sort of! This is big. Also upgraded to the latest versions of SDOM and SCSS, which buys DTD support for automatic XML dialect detection (the API has changed as a result) and a bunch of cascade fixed. Updated the man page and added some fixes for rendering and border sizes. See the NEWS, TODO, and ChangeLog files for a more complete list.
posted by juliang, Mon 13 Nov 2006 05:40:52 AM UTC
Oops, guess I forgot to update when 0.1.2 came out. Nonetheless, even more significant improvements featured in this release -- SIGWINCH handling, cascade lookup fixes, better text rendering... it's good stuff. Be sure to check out the XHTML test suite included in the examples/ tree; it's a solid indicator (for better, mostly) of the progress the project has made so far.
posted by juliang, Mon 30 Jan 2006 01:58:33 AM UTC
After long last, we've managed to get a release out -- lots of things work pretty well, other things... not so much. We need a lot of help, so if you're a Scheme / C / CSS / XUL / Ncurses guru, drop us a line post-haste!
This is a development release, so all the usual caveats apply. See the README file include in the distribution for more information.

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