Liquid War 5 - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Liquid War is a unique multiplayer wargame. Its rules are truely original. You control an army of liquid and have to try and eat your opponents. A single player mode is available, but the game is designed to be multiplayer, and has network support.
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Registration Date: Mon 25 Feb 2002 06:37:53 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 6 - Mature
posted by ufoot, Thu 18 Oct 2007 09:16:26 AM UTC
This is a maintenance release. Changes include:
- a setup program for Microsoft Windows (using NSIS);
- game win32 binaries are now compiled with MinGW instead of MSVC;
- a fix in the core algorithm, of a long-standing 9 years-old bug, this might prevent unexplained crashes on some platforms;
posted by ufoot, Sun 01 Jan 2006 02:00:21 PM UTC
After some time without using Savannah's services (mostly I had switched from CVS to GNU Arch), I decided to come back to it, and update it regularly.
So I moved back Liquid War 5 source repository to Savannah. The good
news is that Savannah now supports GNU Arch (finally!). So well, it's

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