LoGS Log Analysis software - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
LoGS is a log analysis engine that attempts to address many of the issues with maintaining larger networks or cluster style machines. LoGS has a dynamic ruleset, is able to look for one or more messages before triggering an action, and has a powerful programming language used for configuration and extension. With proper ruleĀset construction, LoGS is a very efficient analysis engine.
Despite the Beta status, I am using LoGS for vital tasks in my production environment.
Registration Date: Mon 16 Feb 2004 07:25:21 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta
posted by LoGS, Mon 03 Mar 2008 03:57:38 PM UTC
LoGS 0.2.0 has been released! This release includes improved support for SBCL, including the ability to create a LoGS binary!
posted by LoGS, Wed 14 Sep 2005 11:31:46 PM UTC
The first Beta release of LoGS should be in the next week or so! Both the code and the documentation have had large updates. Significant improvements are present in the CVS tree right now.
Some final testing must be done, but I /think/ this is pretty much the 0.1.0 release!
posted by LoGS, Fri 15 Apr 2005 03:05:51 PM UTC
LoGS in CVS has been updated to use cl-ppcre 1.2.6. Way to go Edi!
posted by LoGS, Tue 29 Mar 2005 01:30:40 AM UTC
Finally(!) LoGS 0.0.1 has been released. See http://www.hpc.unm.edu/~download/LoGS/ to download the sources or get the freshest goodz from the CVS here at savannah!

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