mainLuDAP - Summary

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1 active member

Group identification
Id: 3651
System Name: ludap
Name: LuDAP
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

LuDAP is a web interface to manage a simple LDAP database based on users
and groups. It includes an xml import/export capability for external

Registration Date: Fri 03 Jan 2003 07:46:45 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: ? - Orphaned/Unmaintained


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LuDAP 0.6 is out !
     posted by mose, Thu 30 Oct 2003 05:14:23 PM UTC

Finally that release is somewhat functionnal, and used in production environment as a web interface for managing users and group in a ldap tree. Major changes are the use of Smarty template system, import-export functions, external posible use of the lib for web auth, advanced configuration pattern, colors set easy to setup, metamorphing layout with frames or without depending the conf.

LuDAP major rewriting
     posted by mose, Wed 27 Aug 2003 10:24:56 PM UTC

I'm working on a new LuDAP release, with a total rewriting of all the code source in more Object Oriented flavour, with now use of smarty as a config and template engine. LuDAP version 0.6 will be released in next weeks. In the while, the CVS version is more than broken.


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