netPanzer - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
netPanzer is a massive multiplayer realtime strategy game originally developed by Pyrosoft Inc. ( The goal of the netPanzer project is to complete and extend the original game using source code release by Pyrosoft Inc. An initial goal of the netPanzer project is to provide a GNU/Linux port.
Registration Date: Wed 13 Nov 2002 03:47:03 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta
posted by MatzeBraun, Tue 11 Nov 2003 03:28:55 PM UTC
A new netpanzer version is available now.
-A new lobby view and server browser has been added
-a man page has been added
-The deciated server reads it's setting from a configuration file now
-The bot player can now be started as a separate process.
-polish and swedish flag has been added (we happily accept more flags)
-several smaller bugfixes and improvements
posted by MatzeBraun, Mon 13 Oct 2003 09:13:49 PM UTC
This release fixes several severe bugs in the last release:
-No crashs when scrolling the map and occupying outposts
-CheckBoxes work again
-Outpost status is displayed again
-Hopefully no random asserts of destroyed Surfaces again.
posted by MatzeBraun, Sun 12 Oct 2003 12:23:01 PM UTC
This is the first netpanzer release that runs natively on linux (and probably other unixes). It should have all the features of the windows version and contains an experimental bot player.

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