mainthe Orange Slice - Summary

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Id: 4985
System Name: orange-slice
Name: the Orange Slice
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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the Orange Slice permits to edit « scripts » files that contains informations about when and what to print on a video : the subtitles. You can use those scripts with MPlayer ( or Xine ( for example. If you're using a WIN32 system, you can use the generated script to encode your videos with Virtual-Dub (

The main goal is to have an easy application to create and edit scripts for subtitling videos. Right now it only manages the Sub Station Alpha (SSA) and Advanced Sub Station Alpha (ASS) file formats. It can also load SUB (MicroDVD?) files. But it should be extended to any common format available in load/save (SUB & SRT at least).

The possibility to synchronise subtitles with video (or sound), isn't on the TODO list. If you feel like being able to develop such a thing, please tell me and « just do it » ! But right now, i'm only thinking in terms of subtitle editing, not subtitle timing.

Registration Date: Sun 03 Aug 2003 02:42:06 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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Version 0.1 (alpha)
     posted by jesusmacgod, Fri 12 Sep 2003 04:34:58 PM UTC

I just uploaded the latest release, that features a lot of improvements. But stability is not sure... let's use & see ! Features improvements are full support to the ASS file format, and the switch of the internal format from SSA to ASS. There should not have major problems, and there should no longer have any deprecated GTK widgets (like [...]

CVS update
     posted by jesusmacgod, Thu 21 Aug 2003 02:26:37 AM UTC

A big update in the CVS while now Orange Slice uses the GtkTreeView model, and no longer the old deprecated CList. The only thing that's lacking are the rows background colors. Comments no longer have a nice grey background to distinguish them easily from the subtitles... i'm looking in the doc to get this corrected, i'm expecting to be able to take full advantage of Pango, and so being able in the futur oto even ave italic comments... why not ? ;) released
     posted by jesusmacgod, Tue 12 Aug 2003 02:43:22 AM UTC

A lot of bugfixes, and some little enhancements in the way to use the Orange Slice. Play around, you will find those. [ eg: you can change names & styles in the combo box, and if it doesn't exists yet it hads it to the combo ]. I still have my problem with exporting to shift-jis, i think it's related to the cjkcodecs module, i might have a [...]

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