Oxygen Oberon-2 Compiler - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
The Oxygen Oberon-2 compiler will be an Oberon-2 frontend for GCC. Oxygen currently has a working parser and scanner, and work is continuing. The goal is to have a full Oberon-2 compiler working, with full interoperability with system libraries and interfaces. Essentially, I see Oberon-2 as combining the best of C (small language, native code compilation, pointers, designed specifically for systems programming) with the best of Java or C# (object-oriented [though better in many ways], garbage collection, strong typing), while lacking the weaknesses of either (ie, memory bugs and security issues in C, large size and patents in C#, and speed in Java).
This project is not very old, and is currently the work of one person, so if you have an interest in Oberon, compilers, or the future of programming on Free Software systems, you're welcome to join. Oxyegn is a long-term project. It is being developed in C, with the parser and scanner using Bison and flex, respectively. Knowledge of GCC would be great, but not needed.
Registration Date: Wed 29 Sep 2004 02:32:22 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha

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