mainphpExplore - Summary

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Id: 2942
System Name: phpexplore
Name: phpExplore
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

phpExplore est un ensemble de scripts php permettant de naviguer dans les répertoires à travers une vue de l'arborescence, manipuler des fichiers et des répertoires (copie, déplacement, chmod, liens, création...), lire, télécharger vers le serveur, et éditer des fichiers textes... depuis votre navigateur web.
phpExplore peut être très utile par exemple aux webmestres qui ne peuvent pas accéder à leur site à travers ssh ou telnet, ou ftp à cause de blocages firewall par exemple.
phpExplore peut aussi s'intégrer à votre site web et permettre d'éditer très simplement des sous-parties juste en cliquant sur un lien...
phpExplore is a collection of php scripts that will let you browse directories, manipulate files and folders (copy, move, chmod, link, mkdir, touch), view, upload and download files, and modify text files... from within your web browser. It has a tree view of the folders/files.
For example, PHPExplore can be very useful for those webmasters who can't access their web sites through ssh (or telnet). If you can't ftp to your site (due to firewall reasons for exemple), then PHPExplore will let you do all what you need.
phpExplore is also useful for an integration with a web site to edit subparts just by clicking on a link...

Registration Date: Thu 12 Sep 2002 03:17:27 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta


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Download area fixed
     posted by jice, Wed 09 Feb 2005 08:23:47 PM UTC

No, phpexplore is not dead. I've a big todolist, but other projects kill my time :-(

Well, I've restored the download area with the last version. It's gpg signed, so you can check the integrity of the package.

If you have problems while installing phpexplore, please let me know so that I can correct the bugs.

new version to come !
     posted by jice, Fri 02 May 2003 12:31:00 PM UTC

A new developper has join the crew : welcome Calimero !
As a consequence a new version will soon (?) come, almost rewritten, with new features (who said he wanted a 'tar' functionnality ?)...
In the meanwhile, if you have problems installing/using the current version, drop me a note !
NOTE: for downloads, click on the "Homepage" link

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