phpMyMembers - Summary
Group identification
Id: 8253
System Name: phpmymembers
Name: phpMyMembers
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
What is it
'phpMyMembers' is a php based program to manage members of a club or a community. It has a strong focus on usability and is thus not as overloaded as community sites or CRMs. However, it offers features pure address book programs usually lack.
Feature list
- Multi language capable (only one language file to translate)
- Multi user capable (to e.g. restrict record editing priviliges)
- Member photo handling by database
- Generation of PDF address lables (e.g. for SmartLabel printers)
- Simple, browser based user interface
- Multiple addresses per member (default three, easily extendable)
- Multiple membership categories (default five, easily extendable)
- "Group Of Groups" support
- Some web server (e.g. Apache)
- php4 or php5
- MySQL >= 3.23
How to get it
Released ALPHA tarballs are availble via the download area. You may also checkout the latest development 'trunk' from the subversion repository:
svn co svn://
Registration Date: Sun 08 Jan 2006 06:23:54 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: ? - Orphaned/Unmaintained
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