mainPKP (unmaintained) - Summary

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Group identification
Id: 9503
System Name: pkp
Name: PKP (unmaintained)
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.


This project is unmaintained. There won't be any new release. Thank you all for your support till now, but I have no more time to maintain this project.
Have a nice day.

PKP General description

This software is a Content Management System (CMS). It's used to build a website without necessary knowledge (html, php, mysql skills).
PKP is different from other famous CMS, because it's very flexible: everybody can obtain their personal website, without standard CMS components. This software helps you to manage contents, news, categories of your website in a very simple way, without complex control panels. PKP manages the technical components of the website (impagination, html/php data, other informations), and you manage the rest.
Let's try PKP!

Note: PKP is free software and is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

Developer description

PKP is written in php, using a mysql database.
The administration panel is splitted into several files, any of this manages a specific function of the portal. The login uses only cookies.
The front-end (the website) is splitted into several files, any of this manages a specific function that the guest asks.
PKP can manage php pages too, it uses "<php>" tags as delimiters. When an administrator saves a page with php code, this is saved to the database with those tags, and when a guest requires this pages, the script uses an eval()-based function for interpreting the code and showing it in the page.

We're hunting

As today I'm the only developer of the project (with some beta tester). It would be great if somebody goes to help me doing this.
Moreover, it would be fun if someone who really enjoyed my software gives freely a donation. To do this, contact me.

Other informations

Registration Date: Tue 11 Sep 2007 08:42:36 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: ? - Orphaned/Unmaintained


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