mainproxyrbl - configurable caching RBL/SBL proxy server - Summary

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3 active members

Group identification
Id: 2855
System Name: proxyrbl
Name: proxyrbl - configurable caching RBL/SBL proxy server
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Organizational mail servers are configured to use this server for RBL/SBL lookups.
Answers from (in order):
 : an auto-deny list
 : an auto-allow list
 : a persistent (file-based) cache
 : by doing it's own lookups to multiple RBL/SBL services

Other features:
Designed to sacrifice response speed for better heavy load capabilities, fork()ing off any time-consuming processes.
Full daemon facilities (logs to syslog, signal handlers, terminal detach, and privilege reduction).
IP-based access controls to prevent DOS attacks.
Cache management tools, including auto-scrubber.
Win32 version in development.

Registration Date: Fri 30 Aug 2002 05:21:31 AM UTC
License: The Clarified Artistic License
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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1.03 available
     posted by Jonesy, Tue 30 Sep 2003 02:46:39 PM UTC

proxyrbl 1.03 is now available.  This version fixes numerous smaller bugs, rewrites utilities, and adds proper support for Big-Endian systems (tested on SPARC/Solaris).

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