pygsear - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
pygsear makes getting started with pygame simpler.
All of the code in this distribution is (C) Lee Harr.
pygsear is made available under version 2 of the
GNU General Public License. The included LICENSE
file describes this in detail.
*Getting started*:
You can use this code without installing anything,
but it will be easier to use once it is installed.
To test before installing, try:
To use scripts in the examples/ directory without
installing, add the base directory to your PYTHONPATH.
==*Installation*: ==
If you are satisfied, and want to install the package
files, do this command as root:
python install
Make sure you use the version of python which you use
to run pygame programs.
Go in to the installers/ directory and double click
on the file pygsear-*.win32.exe
*pygsear is tested with*:
Linux 2.6.18
Python 2.4.3
Pygame 1.7.1
Registration Date: Thu 23 Jan 2003 09:02:27 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta
posted by turtledove, Sun 05 Oct 2003 02:08:21 AM UTC
I moved a few of the larger demo games in to a separate download. The tarball was getting pretty large, so this should help, especially if people just want to keep up with the base library. It would be nice to break it down even further -- in to base, doc, and full archives. I think I need some more special distutils magic to handle that one, though. Eventually.
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