Random Access Machine Emulator - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
This program emulates the Random Access Machine, the basic theoretical model
for computers in computer science. Please refer to documentation for
detailed information on its structure and meaning. Shortly, it is
something that have an array of unlimited size consisting of integers of
unlimited values, and is able to execute a program consisting of
assembler-like instructions of total number ten. And these simple and
quite abstract means provide possibility to solve any problems that can
be algorythmically solved at all, and it is closer to real computing
systems than many other models.
This emulator is done mostly for educational and research purposes.
It provides a working model for the simplest computing machine that
can solve any tasks, which have a correct algorythm. Of course, for real
tasks you should use more appropriate means, this emulator is just a model
for research and education. Additionally, its source code is rather clear
and simple, especially in comparance with the most of the powerful modern
interpreters and compilers, and can be used as an example of interpreter
and debugger, it have the most of the usual features.
Registration Date: Sun 02 Feb 2003 10:00:30 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha
posted by Balto, Sat 05 Jul 2003 10:47:45 PM UTC
Although there are many bugs (see TODO), the program has become remarkably better! It is not very long to complete 0.1 ...

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