Sched - A complete network scheduling system solution - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Sched is used to synchronize and follow tasks (night job) on environments comprising several hosts. The project does not include scheduler (cron, fcron, anacron etc.)
The system is composed of one (or several) master (sched_master), of agents (sched_slave) and jobs (sched_job) (organization of task to execute).
The user can create his job a gtk program (sched_builder) and can follow his treatments with a web interface (sched_view). Sched will synchronize stop/starting etc. (without using of ssh account passwordless) and will make it possible to follow each stage via a graph of execution (reporting).
With sched_view the administrator will be able to start again part of a job, to consult the logs, to launch a job etc... The application is written in Perl and work with a postgresql database.
Registration Date: Wed 23 Feb 2005 09:41:48 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha
posted by mcgregor, Wed 25 Jan 2006 08:33:48 PM UTC
With something like <toto><titi><titi></toto> XML::Mini can broke your production server...
It will be long, but i have to drop this library. It's not simple because the API is'nt W3C compliant.
posted by mcgregor, Fri 02 Sep 2005 08:18:29 PM UTC
Add cond functions or scripting tools
o max start time (hour, min from start, etc...)
o condition on day of the month, working day
posted by mcgregor, Fri 06 May 2005 08:10:30 PM UTC
This release fix important bug in package installation. A new program sched_resource_manager permit to synchronise jobs.
posted by mcgregor, Wed 04 May 2005 09:35:21 PM UTC
ChangeLog :
- add max time verification in sched_job_validate
- add --dry-run (simulation option to sched_job)
- add width/height option in sched_get_view.cgi
- fix multi connexion from job and slave (close and send PING)

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