mainSCSS - Summary

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1 active member

Group identification
Id: 7801
System Name: scss
Name: SCSS
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

SCSS is an R6RS Scheme library for parsing, querying, and emitting style information compatible with the W3C Cascading Stylesheets recommendation. While SCSS does not itself provide any rendering functionality, it can provide style information to applications and libraries that do. SCSS includes a pluggable API for arbitrary document implementations that allows it to accomodate the full range of selector types described in the W3C recommendation; SDOM is supported out-of-the-box.

Registration Date: Sun 10 Jul 2005 08:40:42 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta


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SCSS version 0.4.2 released
     posted by juliang, Mon 29 Aug 2011 01:09:35 AM UTC

This is primarily a bugfix release: Legacy code related to adjacency selectors has been replaced; a serious bug in selector sorting has been fixed. There is a new API function. Check the NEWS file for details.

SCSS version 0.4.1 released
     posted by juliang, Wed 22 Jun 2011 04:15:35 AM UTC

This is a bugfix release: Some broken symbol references are resolved, and the SDOM document interface now uses the correct accessors. Check the NEWS file for details.

SCSS version 0.4.0 released
     posted by juliang, Sun 30 Jan 2011 02:55:18 AM UTC

SCSS has been re-organized and repackaged as an R6RS library. The API has been redesigned to improve performance and adherence to the W3C recommendation. See NEWS and the manual for details.

SCSS version 0.3.2 released
     posted by juliang, Wed 27 May 2009 04:04:59 AM UTC

The LALR parser has been replaced with a more intelligent, compact, and CSS 2.1-compliant hand-written one. A test suite is now included in the distribution.  NEWS has the details.

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