mainSoya 3D - Summary

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4 active members

Group identification
Id: 3767
System Name: soya3d
Name: Soya 3D
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Soya 3D is a high-level 3D engine for Python, designed with games in mind. Soya is written partly in Python and partly in C; our goal is to provide a full architecture for making free (GPL) games of professional quality entirely in Python.

Other tools, in the same spirit, will follow.

3D rendering relies on OpenGL, and setting up on SDL.

The engine is fully object oriented, high level (even more than traditional "scene graphs") and practical.

Soya currently work only under Linux (not tested under any other OS). All the dependancies being pretty portable, other OS will probably be supported ;-)

Soya is Free Software, under the GNU GPL. It requires Python 2.2 or + (tested only with 2.2.2), OpenGL, SDL. For C code compilation, only GNU/Linux has been tested.

In addition, the integrated 3D editor requires EditObj available at and optionally the PIL (Python Imaging Library) from

This project will contain Soya 3D, reusable data usable with Soya 3D, and projects based on Soya 3D.

Registration Date: Sat 18 Jan 2003 05:04:30 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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