mainSimple Template Algebra Framework - Summary

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Group identification
Id: 9546
System Name: staf
Name: Simple Template Algebra Framework
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

staf aims to provide a set of C++ classes to deal with the most popular / most used algebraic structures. It is planned to have classes for scalars, vectors and matrices, actually the classes provided cover vectors and matrices. The template feature of C++ is used to provide as much flexibility as possible, e.g. it is possible to use the Matrix - class with SparseVector, a class defined for saving memory when dealing with sparsely populated vectors, as well as DenseVector, and those Vector - classes are able to save their entries as Scalars which could be ints, doubles or even completely new data types ( it is planned to provide a Scalar class that uses the GMP - library for enabling arbitrary precision calculations...).

Registration Date: Thu 04 Oct 2007 11:00:39 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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Initial Prerelease
     posted by widar, Fri 16 Nov 2007 01:35:18 PM UTC

A first prerelease (0.1.0) of the framework has been published. Yet, it is not capable of all planned features, but it provides the  core features ( vector and matrix treatment). The interface is not yet totally compatible with the aimed one, mainly due to the fact, that error handling via exceptions is not yet done. Also, actually there is only support for the DenseVector class ( thus, there is only support for DenseMatrices).

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