mainStencil - Summary

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1 active member

Group identification
Id: 6749
System Name: stencil
Name: Stencil
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Goal of this project is to make classical arcade space shooter, just like tyrian or raptor were on MS DOS - with some story, but mainly with dozens of weapons, enemies, levels, etc. The goal, also, is to make full game, rather than concept-less, ad-hoc bunch of levels.

The game will be very generic. With new maps, you may meet new kinds of enemies, even new equipment for your ship, with new graphics, sounds, etc. The game itself will be just an engine. This engine, together with datafiles, will turn in full playable game.

Primary target platform is OpenGL-equipped, GNU/Linux system. Depending on portability of used libraries, MS Windows, OS/X or BSD ports might occur.

Registration Date: Thu 02 Sep 2004 12:38:08 PM UTC
License: Modified BSD License
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha


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