SVM (Statechart Virtual Machine) - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
SVM (Statechart Virtual Machine) is a tool to interpret and simulate models (written in a textural format) of an extended statechart formalism. It is programmed in Python and Jython and aimed to facilitate software design with UML formalisms. It supports real-time, scaled-time and virtual time simulation, either on a single machine or distributedly (by PVM). Other tools are also included in this project, such as statechart checker (which checks statechart models with sequence diagrams, class diagrams and so on), output verifier (which verifies the output trace with initial requirements), and so on.
SCC is another important part of this project, which compiles statecharts into (very efficient) Java code. The execution result of the generated Java code is exactly the same as the simulation result from the SVM interpreter. Hence, this project covers the following phases in software engineering: model design, checking, simulation, verification and code generation.
Registration Date: Tue 14 Oct 2003 06:46:34 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta

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