mainTexi2HTML - Summary

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3 active members

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Id: 7789
System Name: texi2html
Name: Texi2HTML
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

A Perl script which converts Texinfo source files to HTML output.

This is an evolving version of the script originally developed by Lionel Cons and later maintained for a time by Olaf Bachmann.  It now supports many advanced features, such as internationalization and extremely configurable output formats.  It is still in development despite the fact that GNU makeinfo now supports HTML output because it still supports many features beyond those supported by makeinfo.

Derek's public PGP key (for verifying PGP signatures on releases) is available on and its associated servers.  The fingerprint is CB6A 07CA 90C5 4234 E8A3 C8D0 2C3D 4E4C 17F2 31A4.

Registration Date: Wed 06 Jul 2005 08:52:07 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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developpement moved to GNU Texinfo and stopped
     posted by pertusus, Wed 20 Feb 2013 09:09:13 PM UTC

Developpement of Texi2HTML moved to GNU Texinfo in 2010, in order to replace the makeinfo implementation by a Texi2HTML based implementation, but stopped in 2011, abandonned in favor of another implementation which parses the Texinfo input into a tree for processing and supports nearly all the features of Texi2HTML.

Texi2HTML 1.82 has been released!
     posted by dprice, Tue 06 Jan 2009 12:57:44 AM UTC

Texi2HTML 1.82 has been released!

The new release includes a few minor features and bug fixes and the test suite and build files should now be more cross-platform.  For more information, please see the NEWS file and the manual, or go straight [...]

Texi2HTML 1.80 has been released!
     posted by dprice, Fri 02 Jan 2009 03:36:50 AM UTC

Texi2HTML 1.80 has been released!

Thanks mostly to Patrice Dumas, the new release includes quite a few new features and bug fixes.  For more information, please see the NEWS file and the manual, or go straight to the [...]

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