mainTidydoc : documentation organizer - Summary

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2 active members

Group identification
Id: 7359
System Name: tidydoc
Name: Tidydoc : documentation organizer
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

This group is not part of the GNU Project.


The goal of Tidydoc is to make documentation organization easier. It addresses the following problems:

  • Add documents to a pool of documents. Give them the right names and put them into the right directories.
  • Reorganize them a posteriori.
  • Generate a set of HTML pages to browse your documents.
  • Generate a bibtex file referencing all your documents.

You can add documents using the web interface or any file transfer program, such as scp. Tidydoc can then generate HTML files indexing your documents. A simple description file is required for each document. No additional tool is required, a standard Unix system (or Windows/Cygwin) with a Python interpreter will do the job.

Every operation can be done through a web interface if you are running a web server (e.g. Apache) or using the embedded, lightweight web server.

Tidydoc is written in Python in a spirit of flexibility and easy tweaking, but its default behavior should fit the needs of most people.

Download it

The latest version is 0.6.
You can download it here:


Some documentation can be found here: Tidydoc Manual


You can have a look at a sample documentation website created by Tidydoc: Example

Registration Date: Thu 24 Feb 2005 05:32:46 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta


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Tidydoc 0.6 is out!
     posted by nes, Mon 28 Sep 2009 08:26:41 AM UTC

New features:

  • Easier category managing and document reorganization via web interface, thanks to Thomas Hoyoux.
  • Per category archive creation for offline browsing or distribution.
  • Windows support via Cygwin.
Tidydoc 0.5 is out !
     posted by nes, Wed 12 Aug 2009 02:29:01 PM UTC

New features:

  • Standalone and lightweight webserver to avoid installing apache on local setups.
  • Bibtex parsing to autofill descriptions (e.g. from google scholar).
  • HTML preview when adding documents.
Tidydoc 0.4 is out !
     posted by nes, Wed 04 Feb 2009 07:30:48 AM UTC

New features for the web interface:

  • More compact default HTML template.
  • Dynamic folding of document details.
  • Support search queries.
Tidydoc 0.3 is out !
     posted by nes, Thu 28 Feb 2008 12:28:01 AM UTC

Among the new features:

  • Speed improvements
  • Web interface for uploading and modifying documents
  • Better bibtex support
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