mainTreeBind - Summary

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Id: 7533
System Name: treebind
Name: TreeBind
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

TreeBind is a generic hierarchical binding API supporting Java objects, XML, RDF and LDAP.

The difference between TreeBind and most of the other java binding APIs is that TreeBind tries to be as generic as possible to be usable with as many hierarchical data models as possible.

Treebind also tries to minimize the need for any type of schema or configuration file and to maximize the usage of introspection of Java classes in order to facilitate the integration with existing classes.

In fact, we've met that goal for the direction XML -> Java where we do not need any other information than the correspondance between XML namespaces and Java package names.

The way round (Java -> XML) will require more information if we want to cope with the syntactical variations that are allwed by XML. So far, we generate a normalized document but we will need to introduce a description (probably based on RELAX NG) of the target document if we want to be able to generate other XML flavors.

TreeBind isn't limited to XML and Java classes but is internally architected to enable the binding between any type of representation of hierarchical structures.

Such structures include Java classes, XML documents, RDF and LDAP and TreeBind could be extended to support other datamodels such as "typed XML" or SQL databases.

TreeBind has been developed for the INSEE (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques) and this organization has decided to publish it under the GPL as advised for such projects by the French administration.

To get TreeBind, you can either:
<li>Use the <a href="">CVS repository</a> to get the sources</li>
<li> download a <a href="">nightly snapshot</a> ( with the latest version of the sources.</li>
<li> download a jar file with the classes at <a href=""></a> to use in your application.</li>

Registration Date: Wed 20 Apr 2005 09:07:34 PM UTC
License: GNU Lesser General Public License
Development Status: 4 - Beta


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New version, heavily refactored, adding support for RDF and LDAP
     posted by evlist, Thu 22 Dec 2005 11:23:10 AM UTC

I am pleased to announce that a new version of TreeBind is available.

This new release has been heavily refactored: most of the classes have been totally rewritten.

The internal result is less classes and these classes are simpler and easier to use. [...]

TreeBind: one infoset to bind them all
     posted by evlist, Thu 13 Oct 2005 02:23:52 PM UTC

The refactoring of TreeBind that I have announced on our mailing list ( is making good progress and I have published a web log entry that starts explaining the data model on which the new version of TreeBind (not yet checked-in) will be based : [...]

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