mainUniEXP - Universo Experimental - Summary

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1 active member

Group identification
Id: 8973
System Name: uniexp
Name: UniEXP - Universo Experimental
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

UniEXP is the Experimental Universe, an STL based C++ library for create, change and visualize tree-like data structures having flexibility in mind.

The main goal of the library is to provide a framework where a data tree can be visualized as a real-time 3D representation. And the same data tree, when connected to proper output channels, can be heard as a midi soundtrack, or it can be read as XHTML, or whatever. Currently a sample program runs fine showcasing basic OpenGL and XML output channels.

We will have input filters for read serialized trees and foreign data through adaptor filters as well. We walk step by step into a place of inter-media transparency where data just mutates its shape as needed. An events sub-system will let us control every aspect of an experience in flexible ways at desired levels of detail.

Hopefully this stuff evolves towards a nice toolkit for one travelling over the forest.

Please check as well for news and additional info.

Registration Date: Mon 11 Dec 2006 05:08:46 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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At savannah, looking around
     posted by scvalmei, Thu 11 Jan 2007 02:18:49 AM UTC

Yes you have an awesome information system running here at savannah. Last hours driving around, setting up the habitat to learn about it.

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