mainMini http server: w3server - Summary

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Id: 8597
System Name: w3server
Name: Mini http server: w3server
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

This is yet another http server, written originally as an
assignment in a computer networks class at uni.
It is written in C, uses multi-threading and seemed quite stable
and, prior to all, it is small (compiles in 2 seconds).
It does, to my knowledge, not support full http 1.0, but
it may be useful for other projects which just need a minimal
http server and/or for educational purposes.
It was tested on an older Solaris and on a current
GNU/Linux system (Gentoo using Kernel 2.6.15 and gcc 3.3.6).
The compiler complains about a few warnings which I am willing to fix if the program will be used by anyone. Apart from that, there has been no active development since the time it was written in 2000.

Registration Date: Sun 28 May 2006 09:59:33 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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