x86test - Summary
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<b>x86test - Bootable x86 CPU Identification and Reporting</b>
x86test is a utility to display information about the CPU in an x86/PC system. It is bootable -- it doesn't run on any operating system -- and is currently entirely written in assembler (AT&T / GNU as syntax).
There are several reaons for x86test being bootable:<ul><li>complete OS independance.</li><li>Some tests are impossible (insane?) from a modern OS e.g. resetting the CPU!</li><li>Complete control of interrupts allows very accurate timing of clock frequencies etc.</li><li>it can safely be run when you are unsure of system stability.</li></ul>x86test is simple to load either using a simple floppy disk bootloader, 'fatload', directly from an El Torito CDROM or using a linux loader such as LILO or GRUB. I would also like to make x86test Multiboot compatible.
In the future x86test might be developed to detect other hardware, although I don't have any specific plans.
As yet I haven't uploaded anything to savannah, but there is a working version <a href="http://www.vortex.prodigynet.co.uk/x86test">here</a>.
Registration Date: Mon 29 Mar 2004 06:29:20 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha

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