taskYainet - Another Irc NETwork - Tasks: task #1943, Crypto backbone for yainet


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task #1943: Crypto backbone for yainet

Submitter:  John Doe <nospam>
Submitted:  -
Category:  Crypto Should Start On:  Tue 25 Mar 2003 12:00:00 AM UTC
Should be Finished on:  Thu 31 Dec 2009 11:00:00 PM UTC Priority:  1 - Later
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  nospam Percent Complete:  10%
Open/Closed:  Open Effort:  120.00

Thu 19 Feb 2009 10:36:51 AM UTC, comment #4: 

Postpone the cryptobackbone.  Right now I am in lack of time to finnish this, also, it seems to be more complicated than I first thought.

John Doe <nospam>
Group administrator
Sat 02 Jun 2007 09:07:13 PM UTC, comment #3: 

First step is to get something running, then we can bother about perfection.  I have a very rough idea on how to do peer to peer chat cryptation, but channels might be hard to solve.

If it turns out to be too impractical with the current codebase, it might be interesting to borrow some ideas from the SILC project.  The SILC project is very different though, and it might complicate things quite a bit.

John Doe <nospam>
Group administrator
Thu 11 Nov 2004 08:55:54 PM UTC, comment #2: 

I have begun to implement something that might evolve
into something useful.  I guess an object framework
would be nice for starters, and thats exactly what I hope
to be able to derive from what I am writing.

To address the problem with corrupt servers again:  The problem is somewhat artificial, since a fingerprint compare
through other channels would soon reveal the fraud. Of course, being paranoid, you could easily imagine a middleman
faking both phonenumebers, email, and maybe even photos and
real life randevous .. but in this case, I guess you're
already talking to the fraud person rather than the supposed

John Doe <nospam>
Group administrator
Sun 22 Jun 2003 12:12:29 PM UTC, comment #1: 

The problem of corrupt servers needs to be solved.
Of cause, if users exchange fingerprints, it would be ok,
on the other hand, if there is an automated way to do this, there could also be an automated way to corrupt this.

So, we fall back on manual fingerprint checking?  Not nessesarily, if a direct connection (ala. dcc) can be made,  then fingerprints can be exchanged without going through the server!

John Doe <nospam>
Group administrator


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    Follow 7 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2009-02-19 nospam Should be Finished on2003-08-14 2009-12-31
        Priority7 - High 1 - Later
    2007-06-02 nospam Percent Complete0% 10%
    2004-11-11 nospam Should Start On2003-03-25 2003-03-25
        Should be Finished on2003-08-14 2003-08-14
        Percent Complete5 (Error - Not Found) 0%
    2003-03-26 nospam Priority4 None

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