taskSwathanthra Malayalam Computing - Tasks: Statistics


Statistics by 'Assigned to':

Field Description: Who is in charge of handling the item

Open Items

annapathrose 3/60 5%
anoop_p 1/60 2%
harivishnu 2/60 3%
iamsunilk 1/60 2%
jiesh_kj007 3/60 5%
manojkmohan 1/60 2%
nishan_n 2/60 3%
None 20/60 33%
pratheesh 1/60 2%
praveen_a 2/60 3%
rajeeshknambiar 2/60 3%
santhosh 5/60 8%
sebinaj 1/60 2%
shijualex 1/60 2%
smc-artists 2/60 3%
smc-deb 1/60 2%
smc-edu 1/60 2%
smc-gnome 1/60 2%
smc-kde 1/60 2%
smc-localization 4/60 7%
smc-nlp 2/60 3%
smc-writers 2/60 3%
sujithh 1/60 2%


All Items

aashiks 1/112 1%
aneeshnl 1/112 1%
anivararavind 1/112 1%
annapathrose 3/112 3%
anoop_p 2/112 2%
baijum81 3/112 3%
harivishnu 2/112 2%
hiran 3/112 3%
iamsunilk 1/112 1%
jiesh_kj007 6/112 5%
manjush 1/112 1%
manojkmohan 1/112 1%
mobin 1/112 1%
nandaja 1/112 1%
nishan_n 4/112 4%
None 27/112 24%
pratheesh 1/112 1%
praveen_a 7/112 6%
rajeeshknambiar 4/112 4%
santhosh 10/112 9%
sarathlakshman 1/112 1%
sebinaj 1/112 1%
shijualex 1/112 1%
smc-artists 2/112 2%
smc-bots 1/112 1%
smc-deb 1/112 1%
smc-edu 2/112 2%
smc-font 5/112 4%
smc-gnome 2/112 2%
smc-kde 1/112 1%
smc-localization 5/112 4%
smc-nlp 2/112 2%
smc-repo 4/112 4%
smc-writers 2/112 2%
sujithh 1/112 1%
vimal 1/112 1%


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