bugutil-vserver - Bugs: bug #14525, "start-vservers -j 1 --all...


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bug #14525: "start-vservers -j 1 --all --stop" does not stop all vservers

Submitter:  Tor Rune Skoglund <torrunes>
Submitted:  Tue 13 Sep 2005 09:17:41 PM UTC
Votes: 10
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  daniel_hozac
Open/Closed:  Closed Component Version:  stable
Release:  2.0

Sun 17 Sep 2006 10:30:01 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Thanks, this should be fixed in SVN.

Daniel Hokka Zakrisson <daniel_hozac>
Group Member
Tue 13 Sep 2005 09:17:41 PM UTC, original submission:  

- There seems to be problem with the gentoo init.d and/or
util-vserver's start-vservers script: (I have edited the init script to see what actually was executed)

linuxserver ~ # /etc/init.d/vservers start

  • Starting vservers of type 'default' ...

/usr/lib/util-vserver/start-vservers -m default -j 1 --all --start                [ ok ]
linuxserver ~ # vserver-stat

  1.      100   1.9G   0.9G  17m11s21   4m12s17   3h24m27 root server

100      3   6.9M   2.7M   0m01s46   0m01s56   0m50s72 templategentoo
linuxserver ~ # /etc/init.d/vservers stop

  • Stopping all vservers ...

/usr/lib/util-vserver/start-vservers -j 1 --all --stop                                               [ ok ]
linuxserver ~ # vserver-stat

  1.      100   1.9G   0.9G  17m11s49   4m12s37   3h24m48 root server

100      3   6.9M   2.7M   0m01s46   0m01s56   1m11s72 templategentoo
linuxserver ~ #          

Vserver still running after start-vserver --all --stop.

Removing STOP_ALL in /etc/conf.d/vservers so that it just stops all vserver with mark 'default' did help, but anyway I think --all --stop should work on "marked" vservers also.

Tor Rune Skoglund <torrunes>


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Follow 4 latest changes.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2006-09-17 daniel_hozac StatusNone Fixed
    Assigned toNone daniel_hozac
    Open/ClosedOpen Closed
2005-09-14 skaboom Carbon-Copy- Added skaboom

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