bugmonotone - Bugs: bug #17209, require some extra switch to add...


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bug #17209: require some extra switch to add very large files

Submitter:  Nathaniel Smith <njs>
Submitted:  Wed 26 Jul 2006 08:21:12 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  1 - Wish
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
mtn version --full: 

Thu 07 Sep 2006 05:42:50 AM UTC, comment #3: 

Another approach: file size distributions are pretty predictably log-normal (though there are exceptions).  This distribution is very easy to fit.  So, instead of making it explicitly tunable, could do a quick normal fit of the existing files, and, say, call an "unusual" file one that is at the 95+% quantile in size, and require some extra work whenever adding a new "unusual" file or, say, an existing file has more than doubled in size and become "unusual".

Nathaniel Smith <njs>
Group Member
Mon 31 Jul 2006 07:38:26 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Maybe.  The existing precedent for how to implement per-project settings is ".mtn-ignore".  Versioned policy will provide another mechanism.

Nathaniel Smith <njs>
Group Member
Mon 31 Jul 2006 07:09:19 AM UTC, comment #1: 

This sounds to me like a per-project setting / restriction rather than a system-wide setting. How could such a thing be properly implemented in the current scheme?

I can immediately think of other "per project" restrictions, like disallowing commits with empty log messages, which could use the same functionality then.

Thomas Keller <tommyd>
Group administrator
Wed 26 Jul 2006 08:21:12 PM UTC, original submission:  

<xorian> Vesta has this really simple feature where any time you try to commit a file over a certain limit (which defaults to 1MB), it complins unless you give a command-line flag that changes that upper limit.

Sounds like a good idea to me!  (This ties into the whole "it's impossible to ever get rid of anything you commit ever" thing.)

Nathaniel Smith <njs>
Group Member


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

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