newsRizen's IRC Bots - News

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Logbot 0.9.4
     posted by rizen, Sun 21 Sep 2003 01:13:34 PM UTC

Just released 0.9.4 of logbot. This is the first release of any of my bots that does not rely on irclib. Instead, it uses the twisted IRC stuff. I'm somewhat unimpressed with the IRCClient class, so I may end up writing my own or something. Anyhow, you'll need twisted to use this version. This release also comes with gettext support, but no translations. At the very least lojban will come with 0.9.5.

     posted by rizen, Mon 08 Sep 2003 08:45:06 PM UTC

My arch tree is now publically accessable at

The archive name is

RapeBot 0.9.8
     posted by rizen, Tue 02 Sep 2003 06:30:56 AM UTC

Version 0.9.8 is mostly a small fixes release. Updated Dutch and Esperanto translations, as well as a better way of handling translation strings. With this release comes the countdown to 1.0. I have a small list of things I want to add to RapeBot before 1.0, then afterwards will be the 1.1 branch, where I will be transitioning away from irclib to twisted.irc.

While you're at the downloads page, pick up the irclib package too, you'll need to install it as of this release.

irclib 1.0.0 release
     posted by rizen, Tue 02 Sep 2003 01:09:12 AM UTC

I decided that as the number of scripts I write that use irclib grows, I should just do irclib on a separate release track. You can now find release 1.0.0 of my fork of irclib in the downloads area. I don't intend on a 1.1 branch at all. My intention is to transition my scripts to the twisted.irc API. As such, the 1.0 series of irclib will just be [...]

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