newsConduet Operating System - News


Conduet Weekly Newsletter #2

Item posted by Fernagut Thibaut <blokkie_> on Thu 17 Apr 2003 09:07:46 PM UTC.

Kernel Summary
The new kernel was merged last Friday, an astonishing move to the developers who, ignoring the recent flurry of emails, assumed that nothing was happening and that their help was not called for. They were wrong. Their error was so clear that they were removed from the project, yet never noticed. To this day, their belief is that these ex-members are of an elite corps of Conduet programmers armed and ready for battle, their soft-missiles targeted at the subject of unanimous hatred, the one and only, Windoze. Sadly,they will never see the day that the city of Redmond falls.

The Real Kernel Summary
Ian's floppy code is moving along. Although it does not yet run on anything but his machine (timing issues,) he recently fixed the bug which was causing seemingly random filler bytes to invade the buffer. Lee continues to work on memory management; we hope to have an allocator within the next few weeks. More features are being added to the runtime library, specifically the string class at this point.

A number of new developers have expressed interest lately. We hope to have them join our project soon.

While our official channel is on freenode irc, we're testing a t-net irc network. It runs hybrid 7 ircd, and currently has one hub and a leaf server, with another node soon to be linked in. You can access the network by connecting to, or If you happen to be in Australia, try, Kye's leaf server, named 'wootie'. It may or may not be available. Blokkie will soon be running another leaf located at You can usually find people on #conduet.

We really need to write a roadmap document for the next few versions, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, etc. I feel like we're just wandering around, not really getting anything done. We need to be able to assign very detailed tasks and get them done appropriately. I hope we can plan this at the next meeting, this Saturday at 20:00 GMT. See for information on goals and times.

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