newsSpace Hulk - News


Beta release 1.4.99

Item posted by Romain Vinot <rom_vinot> on Thu 16 Oct 2003 09:06:46 AM UTC.

Finally, after one month and a half of quiet playing, here comes a new release.

Main new feature is the network game !
There have also been some big clean-ups.

Network game is still quite simple. So I advised you to use any Instant Messenger during your play to be able to communicate with the other player.

Be careful, this is a BETA release. I mean it. The network is not stable enough yet (in fact after 5 tries, I have never been able to finish a network game, a bug always stuck before the end...). But I have few times to work and test it currently. So I decided to release it to let you know where I am working currently.
And I would like to have some beta-testers for the network game. I have enabled lots of debug messages in this release. If you want to help me, please run spacehulk and save the standard output into a file (for example by running the command : "qspacehulk > log_spacehulk"). Send me the file by email ( and tell me what the error was.

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