newsGChemPaint - News


gchempaint-0.5.0 released

Item posted by Jean Bréfort <jean_brefort> on Wed 24 Mar 2004 09:07:44 PM UTC.

This is a development version. It is unstable, may crash at any moment and loose or alter your data.

The main changes are:

- part of the code has been moved to a library;
- plugins are now supported;
- tools have been moved to plugins;
- templates are supported; only one template is provided (Kekule benzene, a not very useful one), but users can create their own templates (the file is $HOME/.gchempaint/templates/templates.xml) and I hope that some users will share their templates with the community (send me their templates.xml);
- ui has changed, tools are now in tollbars inside the main window;
- Bonobo support has been separated from the main program (but is currently broken).

This version of GChemPaint can be installed in parallel with a stable release. The executable is gchempaint-unstable. Several other files have been renamed accordingly.

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