newsModularBot - News


Version 0.4 is out

Item posted by Pierre D. <Pinaraf> on Sat 07 Jan 2006 10:07:04 PM UTC.

What's new ?
A lot of bug fixed, a lot of small improvements, small optimisations...
Globally, the code is cleaner, safer regarding threads...
Also, a new logic is available : users, which provide a way to list users connected on a channel. It provides its functionnality to other logics through a register. An example of how to use the register is in the logic itself. But if you load the logic on the fly, then it won't list the users on the current channel (that's to be fixed, but it rely on some other more intrusive changes).

You can download it like usually in

Warning : the syntax of the globalCall has changed : it uses a context yet.

P.S : a website is in development, but not under savannah because of the lack of PHP... It's using a wiki, and may be available to everybody in one or two weeks.

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