newsGenReS plugin - News


GenReS plugin 0.9.0 released

Item posted by Sergey Khlutchin <khlut> on Sat 29 Apr 2006 05:00:55 PM UTC.

New version of the plugin contains several improvemets:
1. Config file supported. The config file can be placed in "/etc/genres.conf" or "~/.mozilla/genres/genres.conf". Currently supported 2 parameters, which discription is folowed.
2. Configure parameter "debuglevel=<number>": to disable debug output set it to 0.
3. Mozilla streams are supported. It allows to use browser cache for audio/video files. It works only for protocols supported by mozilla (ftp://,http://,https://) excepting file:// and can be disabled using "mozillastreams=0" line in the config file. With mozilla streams "filepos" property does not works.

Values of config parameters translated to the script in envirnonment variables "GENRES_DEBUGLEVEL" and "GENRES_MOZILLA_STREAMS".

Also a browser crash on attempt to print page with the plugin was fixed.

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