newsKoha Library Automation Package - News


Koha 2.2.6 released

Item posted by Joshua Ferraro <kados> on Tue 17 Oct 2006 12:44:48 PM UTC.

We worked hard, but, finally, it's here !!!                                                                                        
Koha 2.2.6 has been released & is available at :                                                                          

RELEASE NOTES                                                                                                                      
Koha is the first Open-Source Integrated Library System.                                                                           
Koha is a full-featured open-source ILS. Developed initially in New                                                                 Zealand by Katipo Communications Ltd and first deployed in January of                                                               2000 for Horowhenua Library Trust, it is currently maintained by a team                                                             of software providers and library technology staff from around the globe.                                                          
Koha 2.2.6 is more than 250,000 lines of code (see :                                                                       , contributed by about 50                                                                   
different developers (46, +translators).                                                                                           
The 2.2.6 version of Koha is a mature product, with a lot of nice features.          

More than 100 libraries are registered as users on, and we                                                            are sure that at least 300 libraries use the software. There are 2                                                                  projects derived from Koha.                                                                                                        

one of them, please send it to paul @, it will be included                                                              in a 2.2.6b release !                                     

- Class::Accessor (0.25)                                                                                                           
- XML::SAX (0.14)                                                                                                                  
- MARC::File::XML (0.83),                                                                                                          
- MARC::Charset (0.95),                                                                                                            
- LWP::Simple                                                                                                                      
- XML::Simple                                                                                                                      
- GD::Barcode                                                                                                                      
- Data::Random                                                                                                                     
- ZOOM                                                                                                                             
They will be checked during upgrade process.                                                                                       

checkings. Something like :                                                                                                        
"Too late to run INIT block at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4/ line 37."                                                         
or                                                                             "Subroutine PDF::API2::Resource::Font::Postscript::O_RDONLY redefined at                                                            /usr/share/perl/5.8/ line 65."                                                                                          
You can ignore them.                                                                                                               
KNOWN BUGS                                                                                                                         
Critical/blocking :                                                                                                                

compatibility in Koha 3. If you want to give a try to 2.2.6 with mySQL5,                                                           
you can have a look at                                                                                                    , but it's                                                               
untested & unofficial.                                                                                                      for details                                                      for details                                                             

example. spaces breaks acquisition module.                                                                                         
see for more information. Please report any problem in                                                                                                                                                                            
Apple users : it seems there is an annoying bug in Firefox, that you can                                                           
have in librarian biblio search: only the first MARC field list is                                                                 
available and the others can't be opened. The problem is described and                                                             
fixed at 
Changes 2.2.5 => 2.2.6                                                                                                             
DB CHANGES                                                                                                                         
DB structure : dewey field has been moved to a char(30)                                                                            
DB content : many many new systempreferences                                                                                       
Koha opac stylesheets : none, but the opac css stylesheet has been                                                                 
redesigned even if it contains no new classes.                                                                                     


    * Acquisition has been deeply investigated & tested. should work                                                               
fine. (there was complex problems depending on prices rebates, VAT                                                                 


        * Major bugfixes in encoding handling for MARC21 : there was bugs                                                          
        using the MARC21 indicators for character encoding. They should have been                                                  
fixed for now, and koha 2.2.6 handles MARC21 with unicode correctly.                                                               


        * result page display was incorrect when searching a biblio before                                                         
adding a new one.                                                                                                                  
        * no more saving of an empty field in the DB                                                                               
        * Fix for splitting up fixed fields containing | in them causing        
        * An item that is on loan can't be deleted anymore.                                                                        


        * minor bugfix : Adding 0 before days and months in order to make                                                          
        date comparison work.                                                                                                      


    * fixed a but to be able to modify an Institution.                                                                             


        * adding page facility in book funds.                                                                                      
Almost nothing has changed in the DB & this version has been heavily                                                               
tested, so the stability should be good.                                                                                           
But you are warned that some/few bugs may occur.                                                                                   
Please READ the release notes. Everything is compatible with previous                                                              
versions, so, if you just install Koha, you should have the same                                                                   
behaviour as previously, but you will miss many interesting features!                                                              


        * added a (crontab) script :, that send a mail                                                         
        to the librarian when a suggestion is pending.                                                                             
        *MAJOR IMPROVEMENT :                                                                                                    
                - online help has been added                                                                                       
                - the page doesn't show baskets closed for more                                                           
                than 6 months anymore.                                                                                             
                - when recieving an order, you now see the list of existing
               parcels. The parcel code used to be the "Supplier invoice information". Now                                        
when you go to the reciept page, you see all previous recieves, and can                                                            
create a new parcel, exactly as before. This does not require any change                                                           
in Koha internals, but we hope it's clearer than before.                                                                           
                - when recieving an order in a parcel, you now see all                                                             
                orders still waiting for a receipt. Thus, you can enter isbn/title as                                              
previously, or directly click on a title in the list.                                                                              
        We worked hard on those new acquisition screens, and hope that                                                             
        you'll find it easier to use than before.                                                                                  


        * if the library doesn't define a summary for an authority, a                                                              
standard/default one will be built automatically.                                                                                  
        if the librarian set as subfield, all subfields will be shown,                                                         
without any separator, but respecting the order. Previously, you had to                                                            
define every subfield, causing problems in case of reordered subfields.            


        * added a (crontab) script :, that can be                                                          
        used as replacement for the overduenotice script. This one has many more                                                   
parameters, including a filter on branches and an external letter (to                                                              
avoid the need to modify the script on each release)                                                                               
        * merged today & previous issues list during issuing. Added a button                                                       
        to renew issues & return issues in 1 click                                                                                 


        * highly improved MARC21 default framework                                                                                 
        * new systempref "sortbynonfiling". If you catalogue with complete                                                         
        MARC (including indicators), you can set this pref to Yes. It will remove                                                  
non filing chars and order "The King Henry IV" to letter "K". This                                                                 
systempref is USELESS for UNIMARC (as UNIMARC doesn't manage non-filing                                                            
chars in an indicator, unlike MARC21)      


        * added a (crontab) script :, that deletes all                                                         
entries of an authority in a biblio.                                                                                               
        *MAJOR IMPROVEMENT in MARC editing :                                                                                    
                - duplicating a field (+ on the tag) will show a number of                                                         
                creation to do. Thus, you can quickly create 6 subjects lines (for example)                                        
                - duplicating a subfield is no longer done with a pipe (|),                                                        
                but by clicking on the + facing the subfield                                                                       
                - the "hidden" property of the framework now has 19 possible                                                       
                values. Look in the online help to see them. The immediate interesting value                                       
is -1, which means the subfield is minimized on the MARC editor and you                                                            
must click on it to expand it. Rarely used fields/subfields are easier                                                             
to manage.                                                                                                                         
                - a advancedMARCeditor systempref has been added. If set,                                                          
                tag/subfield values are not shown, except when putting the mouse on the                                            
tag/subfield. This systempref is only for "MARC addicts"!   
        * MARC21 : many plugins have been added (by LibLime). It seems you                                                         
        now have as many plugins for fixed length fields in MARC21 as in UNIMARC!                                                  
Note that plugins help you filling a tag/subfield in the MARC editor.                                                              


        * patron images management. A new systempreference has been added                                                          
(patronimages, in borrowers section). If set (to an image extension,                                                               
like jpg or gif), the image will be shown on patron detail or                                                                      
circulation page. The images must be stored in                                                                                     
KOHADIR/htdocs/intranet-tmpl/patronimages/ . The image must be named                                                               
<borrowernumber>.<patronimagessystempref> (1.jpg for example, for                                                                  
borrower #1)                                                                                                                       


        Many preferences have been added to OPAC. Read them carefully, as                                                          
        you will be able to modify highly the look and behaviour of your OPAC!
        * new default stylesheet for css (purple on white). A new stylesheet                                                       
(contributed by has been added to show everybody the                                                                  
changes in OPAC. If you want to stay with the old one (dark/light                                                                  
green), just reach Koha >> Parameters >> Systempreferences >> OPAC >>                                                              
opacstylesheet > modify > /opac-tmpl/default/opac_old.css                                                                          
        * Amazon content : if the new AmazonContent systempref is set AND an                                                       
AmazonDevKey/AmazoneDevTag (available on is entered in                                                             
systempreferences AND XML::Simple package is installed, OPAC will show                                                             
amazon cover pages when available. Note that this feature may not be                                                               
legal everywhere. For example, it seems it may not be legal in France                                                              
(you must ask each editor for permission)                                                                                          
        * new systempref : opaccredit. If something (including html) is                                                            
        stored there, the footer of OPAC pages will contain what is there (instead                                                 
of the "Library powered by Koha..." that is on css default templates)                                                              
        * new systempref : opacnav. In this preference, you can put any html                                                       
that will be added to your menu. For example, to add a button to reach                
the koha website : <a class="menu" href=""                                                                      
title="Koha world website">Koha</a>                                                                                                
        * new systempref : opacbookbag : if set to 0, the basket/book bag                                                          
features will be hidden in OPAC (even for logged in users).                                                                        
        * authorities heading search : a new menu has been added so the user                                                       
can search in authorities (same behaviour as in intranet)                                                                          
        * new systempref : opaclanguagesdisplay. If set to "yes" (default                                                          
value), the list of available language is shown. Otherwise, there is no                                                            
list, koha will stay in default language only.                                                                                     
        * new systempref : opacreadinghistory. If set to "yes" (default                                                            
        value), the reading history will be available on OPAC (for logged in users).                                               
If set to "no", the reading history never appears.                                                                                 
        * Recent Acquisition : added a new page to filter recent                                                                   
        acquisitions on a given branch.                                                                                            
        * if you use npl templates, you can have an alternate stylesheet (to                                                       
set it, go to librarian interface >> Parameters > Systempreferences >       
OPAC > opacstylesheet > modify >                                                                                                   
        * when there is more than 1 item at a given location                                                                       
(branch/callnumber/location), the list shows the number of items, not 1                                                            
line for each (same) value.                                                                                                        


        * Inventory : you can now scan in a text file, on an unconnected                                                           
laptop, with every book in your library. Then, just upload the file in                                                             
Koha. It will "mark as seen" all books. Once you've scanned everything                                                             
in your library, just query for all books not seen since the beginning                                                             
of the inventory, and you'll get "lost" books.                                                                                     


        * MAJOR IMPROVEMENT : Adding item creation on the fly when receiving                                                       
serial : if you activate systempref > Catalogue > serialsadditems,   
you'll have a form to create an item on the fly at the end of the serial                                                           
receipt form. The item contains the callnumber, the branch, the barcode                                                            
and the location (where applicable). Go to the catalogue after setting a                                                           
serial to "arrived", and you should see the item created. If you let                                                               
serialsadditems to OFF, behaviour is unchanged from previous releases.                                                             
        * the last 5 arrived serials are shown when receiving serials.                                                             


=== ALL ==                                                                                                                         
    * Unimarc datas in english are provided                                                                                        
    * Unimarc datas in ukrainian are provided

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