newsNKML Nursing Knowledge Modeling Language - News


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Item posted by Dominic König <dkoenig> on Sat 26 Apr 2008 11:05:04 PM UTC.

I have decided to go back to the original project name NKML and to continue all prior activities of the NKML project. This is because - after years of ignorance - the project recently and for the first time has got some acknowledgement by nursing researchers (which unfortunately doesn't include any funding or discount on attendance fees or the like) - however, I'm going to increase activities in this field again.

There are several workshops and congresses regarding evidence-based nursing, nursing informatics and nursing research within the next two years, and I find it a great idea to publish an abstract on NKML to these panels - probably this is the most important step, since I have requested permission to use ICNP® for this project.

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